English 1069
English 1069

English 1069 (4TH EDITION)

Course Description

English 6 (Level 6) (PACEs 1061–1072)

In this level the student:

  • Increases word concepts—antonyms, synonyms, homophones, and heteronyms.
  • Reviews nouns—common, proper, compound, singular, plural, possessive; and learns about collective nouns and nouns in apposition.
  • Expands verb knowledge (action, linking, state-of-being, regular and irregular) to include verb tenses (present, past, future), and conjugation of all six tenses; verb agreement; and the review of troublesome verbs (learn/teach, sit/set, lay/lie, rise/raise).
  • Identifies pronouns—personal (subjective and possessive), interrogative, demonstrative, relative, reflexive, and indefinite.
  • Builds upon parts of speech—comparisons using adjectives and adverbs, prepositions and phrases, coordinating conjunctions, interjections, and diagramming.
  • Strengthens sentence writing by using sentence patterns, interesting words, and exact nouns; recognizes subject and verb agreement; and types of clauses.
  • Practices writing paragraphs and begins outlining and research.
  • Uses simple, compound, and compound-complex sentences with effective coordination and subordination of ideas to express complete thoughts.
  • Learns to identify types of sentence patterns and clauses.
  • Is encouraged in character development through examples given in each PACE.

Item#  407069

Item Price : $ 3.50 Each
