English 1078
English 1078

English 1078 (4TH EDITION)

Course Description

English 7 (Level 7) (PACEs 1073–1084)

In this level the student:

  • Identifies, reviews, and diagrams simple, compound, and complex sentence patterns.
  • Reviews eight parts of speech and studies prepositions, conjunctions, and interjections.
  • Is introduced to infinitives and gerunds.
  • Reviews principal parts of regular and irregular verbs—perfect tenses; conjugation of all six tenses; progressive verb forms; transitive and intransitive verbs; and subject-verb agreement.
  • Increases noun study—exact, compound, collective, plural, and possessive.
  • Develops use of personal pronouns—nominative, objective, and possessive case; demonstrative, interrogative, relative, reflexive, and indefinite pronouns.
  • Applies adjectives as indefinite pronouns, nouns, participles, and predicate adjectives.
  • Develops writing and communication skills through use of sentence variety, outlining, paragraph writing, composition writing, and proofreading.
  • Works with paragraph structure—indenting, main idea, topic sentence, summary, dependent and independent clauses, and phrases.
  • Is encouraged in character development through examples given in each PACE.

Item#  407078

Item Price : $ 3.50 Each
