English 1098
English 1098

English 1098 (3RD EDITION)

Course Description

English I (Level 9) (PACEs 1097–1108)

In this level the student:

  • Learns about the history of the English language.
  • Practices using resources—dictionary, thesaurus, concordance, encyclopedia, and the library.
  • Reviews outlining.
  • Writes a biographical sketch and answers essay questions.
  • Continues to review and write with verbs—action/linking, transitive/intransitive, active/passive voice, tenses, progressive form, and emphatic mood.
  • Reads and analyzes The Swiss Family Robinson by Johann Wyss and Twice Freed by Patricia St. John.
  • Learns the parts of a book; the elements of a short story and a novel—chronological order, spatial order, and order of importance; the exposition, complication, and resolution of story plots.
  • Diagrams simple, compound, and complex sentences.
  • Is introduced to new vocabulary words.
  • Identifies and uses the literal and figurative meanings of words and understands word derivations.
  • Writes a composition unified by a single coherent thesis with a consistent tone and focus.
  • Demonstrates an understanding of sentence construction by correctly using clauses, phrases, and the mechanics of punctuation.
  • Is encouraged in character development through examples given in each PACE.

Item#  7098

Item Price : $ 3.60 Each
