Basic Literature 7 Study Guide (2ND EDITION)
Course Description
Basic Literature 7 (Level 7)
In this level the student reads:
- George Mueller by Faith Coxe Bailey. George Mueller provided for thousands of orphaned children. He never asked anyone except God for their needs, but all needs were miraculously met.
- D.L. Moody: Greatest Evangelist of the 19th Century by Faith Coxe Bailey, the life story of the great American Evangelist used by God to found Moody Bible Institute.
- Through Gates of Splendor by Elisabeth Elliott, the story of five missionary men who were killed by the Auca Indians they wanted to win to Christ, and the subsequent developments in the lives of the families involved.
- By Searching by Isobel Kuhn. Isobel Miller abandoned God for worldly pursuits. When her world shattered, she sought and received peace from God and served with her husband as a missionary to China.
- Swiss Family Robinson by Johann Wyss, the story of the Robinson family marooned on a desert island. As they explored their surroundings, they learned not only to survive but also to enjoy their new home.
Item# 63007
Item Price : $ 3.30 Each