Christian Growth Set
Course Description
Christian Growth (Self-Pacs 133–138) 1/2 Credit
In this course the student reads:*
- The School of Obedience by Andrew Murray, an encouragement to Believers to follow the Lord’s example of obedience in life and ministry.
- The Hour That Changes the World by Dick Eastman, a plan with practical suggestions for the Christian who wants to improve prayer life.
- Soulwinning PACE (4TH EDITION)**
- Spirit-Controlled Temperament by Tim LaHaye, a discussion of the four basic temperaments and how God uses them in a Christian life dedicated to Him.
- When a Christian Sins by John R. Rice, an examination of what happens when a Christian sins—how his life is affected, and how he can avoid sin.
- This Way to Happiness by Clyde M. Narramore, a survey of the basic needs of all humanity and how they are all met fully in Christ.
*Books are sold separately
** Soulwinning takes the place of Self-Pac 135, which has been discontinued.
Item# 41133
Set Price :
$ 20.00