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David Livingstone
David Livingstone

David Livingstone


Mrs. J. H. Worcester, Jr., paperback, 125 pages. Born of poor, Scottish parents, Dr. David Livingstone’s humble beginnings held no boundaries for God’s plan for his life. Tenacity and curiosity for Creation led Dr. Livingstone to become one of the first Westerners to cross Africa. For 33 years he travelled over 29,000 miles while preaching, meeting medical needs, exploring unmapped parts of the African interior, studying undocumented plants and animals, and discovering one of Africa’s greatest natural attractions. Meticulously written journals described the horrors of the slave trade and the personal struggles brought about by hostility, wild animals, and illness. Dr. David Livingstone dared to do what few others could imagine—deliver the Gospel of Christ to the continent of Africa. Through his many trials, the love of Christ was faithfully demonstrated and preached to all who would listen, blazing a trail across Africa for future missionaries to follow.

Item#  217

Item Price : $ 9.75 Each
