Introduction to Missions 4 (3RD EDITION)
Course Description
Introduction to Missions (PACEs 1–6) 1/2 Credit
In this course the student:
- Is introduced to worldwide missions.
- Gains an appreciation of what has helped shape the path of mission work.
- Reads Peril by Choice by James Hefley, the story of John and Elaine Beekman, missionaries to Mexico and Guatemala.
- Reads Peace Child by Don Richardson, the story of Don and Carol Richardson, missionaries to what is now Papua, Indonesia.
- Reads Beyond the Next Mountain by Mawii Pudaite, the story of Rochunga Pudaite, native of India, who translated the Bible into the Hmar language.
- Reads C. T. Studd by Norman Grubb, the story of C. T. Studd, missionary to China, India, and Africa.
- Reads The Triumph of John and Betty Stam by Geraldine Taylor, the story of John and Betty Stam, missionaries to China.
- Reads Give Up Your Small Ambitions by Michael Griffiths, a book that assumes that we have given up our “small ambitions” and are pressing toward the mark of the great ambition—the “high calling of God in Christ Jesus.”
- Reads Flagellant on Horseback by Richard Ellsworth Day, the story of David Brainerd, missionary to United States Indians in early colonial days.
Item# 41144
Item Price : $ 3.60 Each