Social Studies 1038 (4TH EDITION)
Course Description
Social Studies 4 (Level 4) (PACEs 1037–1048)
In this level the student:
- Expands geography knowledge—how the Earth moves, kinds of land and water on the Earth, and countries and continents: India, England, Africa, China, Myanmar (Burma), and South America.
- Learns more about maps, globes, directions, distances, latitude and longitude, and modes of transportation.
- Continues to learn about early America—colonial life, the native Americans of New England, Waodoni Indians of South America, John Bunyan, Señor Coronado, and the Pilgrims.
- Discovers Christian leaders and missionaries in America’s history:
John Wycliffe | David Brainerd |
George Mueller | David Livingstone |
Adoniram Judson | Jim Elliot |
William Carey | Hudson Taylor |
- Studies heroes from the Bible—Abraham, Isaac, Isaiah, Joseph, John the Baptist, the prodigal son, and Daniel.
- Appreciates religious freedoms in America—our churches, Christian education, and our government.
- Builds reading comprehension by reading and writing answers to questions.
- Continues to learn new vocabulary words in each PACE.
- Is encouraged in character development through examples given in each PACE.
Item# 408038
Item Price : $ 3.20 Each