
Opening Exercises
Opening Exercises


This time is for inspiration, not preaching or “chewing out,” and should last no more than 15 minutes. Plan the agenda the previous afternoon, place the music on the piano, prepare announcements and Congratulations slips, and be ready to start the day on a “happy note.” Follow this suggested order of events in most instances.

opening exercise activities


  1. Inspirational song

  2. Prayer

  3. Pledges (country, Christian, and Bible)

  4. Bible memory selection (unison)

  5. Student birthday acknowledgement

  6. Announcements

  7. Discussion of a character trait

  8. Congratulations slips

  9. Privilege status (Mondays)

  10. Answer questions

Conducted By

  1. Staff Member

  2. Principal

  3. Upper-level boy or 3 students

  4. Principal

  5. Staff member

  6. Principal or Supervisor

  7. Principal or Supervisor

  8. Principal or Supervisor

  9. Principal or Supervisor

  10. Principal, Supervisor, or staff member

Pledges for Opening Exercises

Standing at attention, students recite the pledges of allegiance to the national flag, Christian flag, and Bible. Display each of these prominently.

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