When you choose A.C.E., you get more than an organization that just sells curriculum. You get a Christian team of professionals who are committed to supporting all your educational needs! The sections below describe some of the ways A.C.E. can assist you and your educational ministry.
To find a school that uses the A.C.E. program or to get more information, please email [email protected] or call 1-800-470-8991. Our representatives would be glad to assist you!
Staff Training
Training is essential to the success of your organization’s educational ministry. A.C.E. offers ongoing training events specifically designed for administrators, supervisors, and professional Learning Center staff. These educational events provide attendees an opportunity to learn and update their professional skills and exchange ideas with A.C.E. staff. Free online training is also available for school and homeschool educators.
aceconnect® School Management
School records reflect the professionalism of your school. The aceconnect School Management program automates laborious paperwork to assist in the efficiency of accurate, current, complete, and neat record keeping.
The free aceconnect Diagnostic Test is a reliable way to place a student at the appropriate level in the educational process. The test assesses a student's mastery of math, English, reading, and spelling. A.C.E. also offers standardized testing through the Iowa Assessments. These assessments allow you to objectively track your students' academic progress from year to year.
Student Programs
Student programs give students opportunities beyond the Learning Center. From serving others in foreign countries through ACEM programs to participating in competitions, these programs encourage students to build Godly character, gain skills, become leaders, and meet real needs.
Lighthouse Christian Academy
Through the Dual Enrollment program, Lighthouse Christian Academy offers students who attend a Model or Quality Status school using the A.C.E. curriculum the opportunity to receive an accredited diploma and an official transcript.
On-site School Visits
Ministry Representatives reach out to schools to develop a relationship with pastors and staff. Scheduled school visits afford time for questions, advice, and a greater knowledge of the A.C.E. program.
School Employment
Schools that use the A.C.E. curriculum may request to list their openings on the A.C.E. website. To see the current list of positions available or to submit your school's open positions, please click here.