After extensive development and testing, aceconnect has launched the new ePACE platform. This new, innovative system takes the conventional PACE and introduces it in a digital format. Whether students use paper PACEs, ePACEs or a combination of the two, supervisors and parents now have more options than ever to help facilitate learning.
What is the new ePACE platform?
Each ePACE was designed to promote A.C.E.’s time-tested methods of an individualized, mastery-based curriculum. Like the paper PACEs, the content of an ePACE is also deeply rooted in Scripture. The ePACE platform is hosted on secure servers owned and maintained by A.C.E. It is accessible through the Internet at on Mac or PC desktops, laptops, or tablets.
What subjects/levels are available?
Initially, Word Building, Science, and Social Studies Levels 2-9 are available, as well as Bible Reading Levels 2-6. Biblical Studies courses of Life of Christ, New Testament Survey, and Old Testament Survey are currently in development.
How are ePACEs different from paper PACEs?
- The ePACEs are scored automatically.
The ePACEs do not need score keys, as each activity is scored by the system. This method encourages students to read the text more thoroughly so that they can correctly answer each activity. If a student needs assistance, the system will automatically notify the supervisor. Some subjective activities will require the supervisor to score them. - Audio is integrated into Word Building Self Tests and Tests.
All users of the ePACE platform will have access to Word Building Self Tests and Tests. These include the auditory reading of the vocabulary words. This feature saves supervisors and parents from having to manually read the words to students. - Most activities are computer-based.
Each ePACE requires the use of a mouse, stylus, or a touch screen to complete activities. Interactive timelines, crossword puzzles, video clips, and stunning graphics supplement the student’s experience. Some activities at the lower levels require the printing of a PDF document so that students can practice their handwriting. - Tests and Self Tests feature varied questions.
In an effort to better measure students’ learning and secure tests, Self Test and Test questions will vary for each student. - Academic records are stored on A.C.E. servers.
Automated reports are securely stored on A.C.E.’s servers to assist supervisors and parents with generating reports. Records can be printed, stored in the ePACE system, and transferred to another school.
How do supervisors and students interact?

While the ePACEs are designed to be individualized and self-instructional, communication between students and supervisors continues to be important. To facilitate this interaction, the ePACE platform has a built-in messaging system. Supervisors and students have their own individual dashboards and receive alerts when they have a message. Supervisors are alerted when students need permission to take a Self Test or Test. Students can also ask the supervisor questions when they are having difficulty. Not only does the messaging system work well in a school setting, but it can also aid communication remotely. Schools can also set up a calendar to let families know about upcoming events.
How much does it cost?
Each school or homeschool is charged an annual $99 Access Fee. This fee includes an unlimited number of students, parents, and supervisors within each school and homeschool. Access includes the Readmaster program, Word Building Self Tests and Tests, and the ability to purchase ePACEs. Each ePACE can be purchased instantly for $3.50. They can be purchased one at a time or in bulk.
Schools that are currently awarded a status can access all ePACE Self Tests and Tests free of charge with the purchase of the annual access fee. This additional benefit allows status schools to use printed PACEs if desired and then use the ePACE platform for testing.
To learn more about the ePACE platform, visit