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Social Studies 1037
Social Studies 1037
Social Studies 1037
Social Studies 1037
Social Studies 1037
Social Studies 1037
Social Studies 1037
Social Studies 1037
Social Studies 1037
Social Studies 1037

Social Studies 1037 (4TH EDITION)

Course Description

Social Studies 4 (Level 4) (PACEs 1037–1048)

In this level the student:

  • Expands geography knowledge—how the Earth moves, kinds of land and water on the Earth, and countries and continents: India, England, Africa, China, Myanmar (Burma), and South America.
  • Learns more about maps, globes, directions, distances, latitude and longitude, and modes of transportation.
  • Continues to learn about early America—colonial life, the native Americans of New England, Waodoni Indians of South America, John Bunyan, Señor Coronado, and the Pilgrims.
  • Discovers Christian leaders and missionaries in America’s history:
John Wycliffe David Brainerd
George Mueller David Livingstone
Adoniram Judson Jim Elliot
William Carey Hudson Taylor
  • Studies heroes from the Bible—Abraham, Isaac, Isaiah, Joseph, John the Baptist, the prodigal son, and Daniel.
  • Appreciates religious freedoms in America—our churches, Christian education, and our government.
  • Builds reading comprehension by reading and writing answers to questions.
  • Continues to learn new vocabulary words in each PACE.
  • Is encouraged in character development through examples given in each PACE.

Item#  408037

Item Price : $ 3.20 Each
